Thursday, March 3, 2011

Need to super organize and super clean- spring cleaning!

I try and try to keep up with everything, laundry/cleaning/cook healthy meals, etc. And then someone bombards me with can you do this today or this week!! I am always the first to oblige, but then something gets put on the back burner. Usually a load of laundry or putting laundry away or a cooked meal so we eat junk or eat out. I have certain days that I do my major cleaning during the week and that has worked out for several weeks now with no interruption until this week. We had a very busy day on Tuesday and lots going on in general all week. March is proving to be a very busy month. I am doing what I can, where I can to keep it together but I really need my full days! It is driving me nuts!! I have decided that what we really need is to super organize and super clean!! Take as many days this month and just go through the whole house, inside and out and ORGANIZE! I also want to get to the garage, which Randy has been bugging me about for the past year, to get rid of stuff, just junk in there, and organize it. I really want to do that as soon as I get the inside done because soon it will be getting too hot out to do it and bugs will be a problem. As soon as we are done with the garage I want to do something to get rid of bugs in there so the kids can go in and out without having a huge freak out when they do go in there. I figure this whole project, inside and outside of the house will take me at least a month, probably more since March is so busy. The kiddos have spring break coming up at the end of March/beginning of April so they can help out too. I just have to figure out how to make it a game for them. Usually we just hang out at the house for spring break and play the whole time (last year we had a blast, right in our own backyard), so why not work together as a family and get this house spruced up!? I am sure I will be at the dump alot so if you see me, wave!!! I am so looking forward to this and can't wait for it to be done!!!