Sunday, March 28, 2010

A little early but we do have a birthday coming up

Eli's birthday is the next in the house. His birthday is still over two months away but with his birthday we really need more planning due to Gracie's schedule over the summer. Whether she will be here or not. Will we be gone, should we wait for her to return? She is usually in Florida with her other grandparents during Eli's birthday so it does take some planning. We don't usually do big parties with the kids though so that is a good thing but still, we have to plan so we know what we are doing somewhat. Well, over the past couple of years, Randy and I have gone to Florida to pick Gracie up from her grandparents. Last year, for the first time, we took Eli and Hanny with us. We stayed a couple extra days and had a blast. The kids loved it and especially loved the beach. Eli held a huge love for the beach! He loved the shore, sand, and would even sit with me on the beach and just watch and listen. He didn't go into the water as much as the girls and loved playing in the sand, although he did do his share of time in the water. He just really loved the beach. I was thinking since we do have to get Gracie around the time of his birthday, we celebrate his birthday at the beach. That would definately mean sacrifices though. We usually celebrate the kids birthdays with my parents and they wouldn't be there to celebrate. :( Also, Eli wants a skateboard, which isn't quite decided on (do they come with bubblewrap for the kids protection), and he wouldn't have a place to try it out if he got one. Randy also wants to go to his mom's in LA if possible when we go pick up Gracie and that would really limit our time to do this, if we even can. Randy only has four days off and that isn't much time to do everything. I really want to do E's bday in FL but Randy is pushing to do it in LA. Also, the cake situation? I really want to make a cake this year. I would have to order it online at least to have it by the time we celebrate. All in all, with Eli's love of the beach though it seems so perfect to have a party at the beach for his birthday though. I guess we will have to have alot more thought and more adult family discusion about this whole thing to figure out what we are going to do!

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