Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Life can get stinky sometimes so now is the time...

Life can definitely get stinky. I always try to stay positive though, to a fault. I have, however, decided what better time of year to be thankful. So for this little project of mine I have decided to find something to be thankful for each day. Sometimes while I think about it (yes, it sometimes takes me all day) I come up with a few. I am taking one or a few more of those things and putting them up on my facebook status each day at least until the end of November. Now I know many people have done projects like this but it is truly a great thing to do and really has shown me so far the blessings I have. Yes, some days can really be hectic and frustrating but there is always one different thing each day to be thankful for. I am extremely excited about this and so far have looked at each day a little differently since I started doing this. I try to never put a complaint on facebook, that is what I have my blog for. lol Although, I don't really have too many complaints in life, I have an awesome husband who loves me, sweet, loving children who really try to do their best to be their best, great parents who we have been able to make a great family life with, wonderful pets, a roof over our heads, warmth in the winter, cool air in the summer, food in our bellies, clothes on our back, and a lot of things to make our life comfortable. So do I really have much to complain about?? Well, maybe, since we do have some issues (mainly medical), more on those I'm sure in later blogs, but mostly I have tons to be thankful for!! So I am going to stick to my goal and pray that I inspire someone out there to see how much we do have to be thankful for no matter what is going on in one part of our lives. If nothing else we are blessed that we have a God that loves us and should be thankful for his promises.

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