Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year??

Well, it is now officially 9 hours into 2011 and I don't feel different at all. Except full. Yes, the food to celebrate New Years Eve and New Years is always awesome here! Just like every other changing of the year it is just another winter day. People make resolutions and usually by Jan 3 they are done with them so I don't make resolutions. I figure making life goals is great though but that can be done any time. Why do we have to wait until a new year to start to make better changes for ourselves. I personally have made a goal for us as a family to work together and be a better unit. I did this in December and so far so good! Now, not because it is a new year but because it needs to be done, I am making a goal to make more time for Randy and me. We are seriously lacking in us time due to his work, school, kids, my parents, other household responsibilities. I don't want us to be one of those couple who when the kids are older and the responsibilities are less that we don't know each other anymore. So that is a HUGE goal for me! I do hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year and I hope you all have many blessings this year!!

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